The development of renewable energies represents a major challenge for countries around the world. The aim is to preserve the environment and natural resources, which are becoming increasingly scarce at a time when the world's population is growing steadily. Improving energy efficiency at the global and individual level is a top priority.
The new obligations of companies
In France since November 2014, a government decree has required large companies to carry out a regular energy audit every four years. Energy efficiency means no more waste and misuse of natural sources. This unavoidable assessment makes it possible to identify areas where savings can be made in order to reduce the energy bill of the activity. A company that has its own skills can carry out the energy audit internally, otherwise it will have to call on an external audit service to carry out this task. works in collaboration with Capital Energy to provide companies with expert solutions.
Reducing the energy bill
Energy issues are at the heart of the priorities of political leaders and companies: energy efficiency, energy transition, recycling, energy audits, ecological approaches to production systems... As part of energy savings, companies are converting to new energy sources such as natural gas, using green gas as a fuel. Companies have become aware of the fact that a financing strategy necessarily involves the use of energy saving certificates that the company has obtained. Optimising the budget and energy consumption are at the heart of the priorities of today's decision-makers. helps companies to implement a greener and more environmentally friendly development strategy.
Making the energy transition a success
In France, some forty major companies have signed the "climate manifesto", which aims to improve energy efficiency, reduce greenhouse gases and combat global warming. Energy savings are at the heart of the priorities and the aim is to support the major economic players in this transition dynamic to move towards an economy that is more respectful of the environment and natural resources. The debate on global warming is now part of any long-term development strategy. Large companies have all taken the appropriate measures to carry out energy-saving work to ensure the sustainability of their business, their profits and their positive impact on the environment.